5 LinkedIn Post Types that Get You more Eyeballs

Sarvam Fating
5 min readJul 2, 2022


More Eyeballs = More Opportunities

LinkedIn rewards content that :

  • Educates
  • Incites Emotional Response
  • Personal Stories with Lessons learnt
  • Make users say “Oh this post resonates with me”

Over 3 months of posting content daily on LinkedIn has taught me that the secret to getting more eyeballs on LinkedIn doesn’t lie in Posting Daily, but in posting content in specific types that captivate the reader’s attention.

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

And in this blog, I’m going to talk about those exact 7 LinkedIn Post types that get more eyeballs than other generic content.

So without further ado, let's dive in.

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Text-Only Posts

Some ‘Gurus’ expected LinkedIn to turn out like Instagram and Facebook — “All images and videos”. Fortunately, LinkedIn didn’t let that happen.

Text-based posts have been dominating LinkedIn since the start and will continue to do so in the future. Users like Justin Welsh have gained over 200k+ followers and made millions from LinkedIn, just by posting text-based content.

Often, my Text-based posts have performed better in comparison to the other types. And if you’re planning to go ahead with such types of posts, here’s a classic framework to help you get more eyeballs on your posts in a short time.

  • Hook : This section is responsible for capturing a reader’s attention
  • Story : This section is responsible for keeping that reader glued to your content
  • Call to Action : This section is responsible for making readers take an action — comment, like, share or follow.

Start with a Hook, keep them glued to your post with a Story and end with a Call to Action that encourages them to take some kind of action.

Keep it simple, maintain consistency, and watch how you scale your LinkedIn account.

Moving on, let’s look at our next content type.


Viewers skip text-based content if their feed gets monotonous. And that might include your content.

To overcome this, Carousels have proven to be an effective solution to stop scrolls and captivate a reader to engage with your content.

In short, Carousels are several text-based image posts connected together. You’ll usually find them created with catchy designs and illustrations along with textual explanations. Here’s one of my popular carousel posts:

Author’s LinkedIn Post Preview

This carousel post was targeted to educate my audience on avoiding what to do as a Writer. And in my opinion, it did pretty well against my other content.

Experts in scroll stoppers, Carousels, provide a lot of information with their text + image-based posts. Creating a carousel is simple and free.

Create a free Canva account. Select carousel templates from the inside and start customizing them with your theme and text.

Download it as a PDF file and upload it as a “Document” in your LinkedIn post.


LinkedIn platform’s “professionalism” took a smart turn when users started engaging vigorously with meme-based content. Almost all memes on LinkedIn have work-life-based humour.

Such memes are known to resonate with users in a similar niche and take the platform “ethics” slightly off-track by making it fun. And who would miss a chance to get entertained by a meme amongst other ‘professional’ posts on the platform? It's funny and relaxing to some extent.

To create a Meme, visit Imgflip to generate a meme of their choice by selecting their desired image and text. Once done with choosing your meme, click on “generate meme” to download it and upload it on LinkedIn.

Homepage of Imgflip

In fact, LinkedIn recently released a major update for its platform users. They launched the “laugh” emoji with which users can now react “funny” to posts using that emoji.

Looks like LinkedIn’s trying everything to please its users. But does this impact the next content type? Let's have a look.

Personal Pictures

Personal stories with pictures have been ranking higher than the ‘usual’ work-related LinkedIn posts. Ironic, isn’t it? Users have been sharing their life experiences on the platform which others find resonating.

Such personal picture-based posts usually consist of stories related to experiences with failure, lessons learnt in life, building a startup, childhood struggles and other such stories. This has proved how a ‘personal’ touch to a ‘professional’ platform like LinkedIn can bring in more views and followers on the platform.

Here’s a personal story-based post by Amantha. Its prominent how LinkedIn supports personal stories over generic content these days.

Screenshot of Amanda Imber’s LinkedIn Post

Moving on, let's look at our final LinkedIn post type that gets you better engagement and eyeballs than the rest.


Illustrations are informative and educative images that usually serve the purpose of educating the audience with graphic images along with the text.

You can use Canva or Excalidraw to create free illustrations. Even such types of posts are great scroll stoppers and give LinkedIn users a break from the usual text-based posts.

If you can share the same kind of text information in an Infographic by adding minimal designs, then why not?

What’s Next?

The best way to grow your LinkedIn profile is consistent content creation, the 2nd best way is by using specific content types to capture attention faster.

In this blog, you’ve learnt about 5 types of LinkedIn content types that boost your views and engagements. They are as follows :

  • Text posts
  • Carousels
  • Memes
  • Personal Pictures
  • Illustrations

Passing it over to you now, which one of those listed are you going to try out first?

Will it be a Carousels or Illustrations? Or one of the others?

Either way, let me know by dropping a comment below.

If you’d like to learn more about building a Personal Brand online on LinkedIn and Twitter as a Writer, check out my Free Newsletter here. It’ll equip you with the best Writing tools, skills and resources to build a Personal Brand online.

